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4 Reasons Why You Should Celebrate Your Dental Assistants!

March 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — soldotnadentalarts @ 6:55 pm

Woman smiling during her dental appointment with dental assistantDental assistants do so much for your dentist and your family, yet they are rarely celebrated or talked about. Of course, your dentist takes most of the spotlight because they run the show, but dental assistants are integral to the success of the practice, and the health of their patients. The first week of March recognizes and appreciates all that dental assistants do for you. Read on to learn about the top 4 reasons to celebrate your dental assistants!

#1. Keeping You Comfortable & Relaxed

If you’re like millions of others, you may experience some sort of anxiety or fear when visiting the dentist. This is where dental assistants take important steps that often go unnoticed. They will always kindly greet you, answer any questions you may have, and get you settled in your dental chair. If you request sedation, they will also make sure that you’re safe and completely relaxed.

#2. Preparation & Takedown

Before you even enter the dental office, your dental assistant is hard at work. Especially due to COVID-19, they will be taking extra cleaning and sanitation precautions before and after appointments. Plus, they’ll be the ones asking you screening questions, and checking your temperature before heading back to your dental chair. Then, this process starts all over again for the next patient, which means your dental assistant is always on the move.

#3. Assisting Your Dentist

You may not realize it, but your dental assistant helps with some of the more vital parts of your checkups. They will start by taking careful X-rays of your smile as well as other assessments to provide your dentist. During your appointment, they will always be nearby, helping your dentist with the instruments they need, sterilizing equipment, and so much more.

#4. Office Management

Often, dental assistants are faced with tasks that aren’t patient-facing, doing lots behind the scenes to help the practice run smoothly. Whether it’s scheduling appointments, ordering the right supplies, billing customers, and much more, dental assistants are like the glue that holds the entire dental office together. Without them, you and your family wouldn’t be able to receive amazing oral healthcare for happy smiles.

Who knew that your dentist had so much support? During this week of March, and for the rest of the year, keep these 4 reasons to celebrate your dental assistant in mind. Next time you have a dental appointment, be sure to thank them for all they do for you – they will appreciate it more than you know!

About the Practice

At Soldotna Dental Arts, Dr. Craig O’Donoghue has a friendly and experienced team around him to help Soldotna patients enjoy effective and comfortable appointments. His dental assistants make his life easier, and yours! Be sure to say hello during your next appointment with Dr. O’Donoghue. To schedule your next visit, he can be reached through his website or by phone at (907) 420-3938.


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